“On a deeper level you are already complete. When you realize that, there is a playful, joyous energy behind what you do.” ~Eckhart Tolle

When it comes to being unique, there’s nobody quite like you. You have your own talents, strengths, and weaknesses that nobody else has. This is what makes you special and unique. It’s important to embrace your individuality and learn to love who you are, as well as, accept that everyone is different and that’s okay!


At a very young age, we may think that we have to pretend to be a certain way to have our own needs met by our primary caregiver. These needs I’m talking about could be validation, love, or acceptance. I can remember telling my dad that I loved cricket, just to be loved and accepted by him so we could spend time together on the weekends.


Celebrating our differences is key to stop feeling inadequate because nobody can be exactly like you. If everybody was the same it would be boring and dull. Why not try and embrace the differences in others as a way to celebrate your own differences?

One of the worst things you can do is make fun of somebody else because they are different from you. This is what bullies do, but it doesn’t help anyone. In fact young children who are bullied at school have been known to suffer from depression as a result. So stop and think before you say or do something that could hurt another person, and try and learn to celebrate differences instead.

We all have a unique personality and set of talents that nobody else has. It’s important to embrace our individuality and learn to love who we are. We should also learn to accept that everyone is different and that’s okay!

No one is perfect. This is both a blessing and a curse, because it means that no matter how hard we try to be someone else or get people to like us, there will always be something about us that they don’t like. And the only way for them to not dislike this part of us is if they really know who we are inside and accept all of our flaws with open arms.


When it comes to being ourselves, there will always be people who try to bring us down. They might say negative things about us because we’re different, or because they don’t like the way we look or act. But it’s important not to let these people get to us. We must learn to accept ourselves for who we are, and not worry about what other people think.

The best way to do this is by building a strong support system. This can be family, friends, or a group of people who share our same values and beliefs. These people will always be there for us, no matter what happens. They will stand up for us when others are trying to bring us down, and they will help us stay strong in our beliefs.

Sometimes it can be hard to find these people, and that’s okay! Everyone has their own unique path in life and we will all meet different people along the way. But there is somebody out there for everyone, and many of them might already be right in front of you! All you have to do is open your eyes and take the time to get to know them.

Sometimes, people are very different from you. There will be things about them that you don’t understand, and they may do things differently than how you would react in a similar situation. This is okay! We all have our own personalities, strengths and weaknesses that make us unique individuals. And that’s what makes us special.

We shouldn’t waste our time trying to be like somebody else or change who we are in order for people to like us. We need to accept ourselves for who we are so that others can see the real us and love who we are, too.

It’s important not to let other people bring you down or make you feel bad about yourself. Try to accept yourself for who you are, look around at your support system, and continue to celebrate your strengths!


Being yourself is the best way to be, because you are unique and special. No one can be exactly like you, so celebrate your differences! When it comes to being ourselves, there will always be people who try to bring us down. But we should learn to accept ourselves for who we are, and not worry about what other people think. It’s important not to let other people bring you down or make you feel bad about yourself. Try to accept yourself for who you are, look around at your support system , and continue to celebrate your strengths! There’s nothing more beautiful than someone who is comfortable in their own skin.


Fiona Craig is a life coach, psychotherapist, business mentor, and published author of the award winning self-help book, “Stuck in a Rut – How to rescue yourself & live your truth” helping women remove thestuck in a rut revised edition fear, worry and guilt to confidently take the steps towards creating the life they want to live.

Fiona has been interviewed by The Australian Women’s Weekly, Women’s Fitness Magazine and The New Daily and written articles for Collective Magazine, Herald Sun Melbourne, Sunday Life Magazine, Career One, I Am Woman Magazine, plus Mouths Of Mums and other online publications. You can learn more about working with Fiona at www.lifebalancecoach.com.au or call 0405 433 217.

Image: Paige Deasley@Pexels