
8 Ways We Sabotage Our Chances Of Finding Love
We crave romantic love, but it's hard to find because it's a combination of two things: chemistry and compatibility. You need to find someone who you're attracted to and who you also get along with. There are, of course, other factors to love, like values and...

The Benefits of Mindfulness Through Craft-Making
Do you find yourself stressed out and looking for a way to relieve your anxiety? Sometimes we hold onto all this tension and anxiety without even realising it until we sit down and do something creative. Taking five minutes out of your day to sit down and do a craft...

How To Nourish Your Body Properly
By Guest Blogger Kimberly Ashton We have all heard of the saying “let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food” and we know on some level it is true, but how do we actually embrace that in our daily life? How we were brought up and relate to food is a...

Are you making fear-based decisions?
When was the last time you made a big decision concerning your health, career, relationship or lifestyle? In the last twenty years, I’ve had to make some pretty big decisions regarding changing careers, investing money, moving countries, ending relationships and so on...

How You Can Find Your Life Purpose
You like your job, but it doesn’t excite you anymore. So you feel restless and stressed because you don't feel aligned with the things that you do. That's how you can get stuck in a rut, or like something is somehow missing from your life. You long to find your life...

How To Overcome Fear Of Missing Out (FOMO)
Roughly seven years ago, I coached a client with a wide range of work issues from fear of losing her job to alienating herself from her work colleagues. At times she would compare herself to others, feel insecure, or seek attention through over-committing on work...

What’s Your Hope For The Year?
Did you start the year with a New Year's resolution? I spent New Year's Eve at Billabong Retreat (near Windsor) and had five magical days contemplating my vision for the new year. During the day we headed to the billabong to pick flowers to create a mandala for our...

Borders have reopened: Time to Enjoy Your Vacation
What tremendous news regarding these Christmas holidays! After a really tough year of bushfires and COVID-19, here's something to celebrate. Announced this week, the Queensland/NSW border has reopened (and Victoria will be welcomed back too if all goes well). Just in...

7 Ways Dogs Improve Your Work-Life Balance
Can dogs really improve your work-life balance? I must confess I never thought of a dog being able to give humans simple work-life balance strategies, but they can. In 2012, we adopted a cheeky Cavoodle (poodle x Cavalier mix) Buddy as I could no longer ignore my 9...

8 Ways To Help You Cope At Home During Coronavirus
Looking for ways to help you cope at home during Coronavirus? This COVID-19 crisis has radically changed our lives. Just a few months ago, we had no idea our 'whole world' would become our homes! In the past, the thought of being in isolation was a gift to me. I’m an...